24 October 2010
26 September 2010
somanygreat things.
okay. somanygreat things in t-minus after i get my homework done.
15 August 2010
five year plan: summer 2011

I have the ability to live in Baltimore, because of my current apartment, but also have contacts in Philadelphia and Los Angeles that can help with housing arrangements. Because of these contacts, my scope for finding an internship is rather wide. Mainly I am concerned with finding an internship more prominent than gallery work. My thoughts are on big names and big companies, or, relatively big, or at least relatively well off. Currently my list of possibilities includes: Squidfire (although I have a feeling I would need to first obtain some printmaking experience), Urban Outfitters Inc. (operates Anthropologie, Free People, and Urban Outfitters, all of which offer Visual Display Internships), and Martha Stewart Living (would be a dream, because, well, Martha is the man). These possibilities are narrowed into the vein of retail with an emphasis on visuals. Each would offer an unique perspective to the idea of sales and merchandising, as each explores a completely different theme within the scope of their company. With Squidfire I am interested in exploring the ‘Do It Yourself’ attitude of occupation, where one can utilize their prominent skills and capitalize on the fact that they are more than able to make a living. With Urban Outfitters Inc. I have thoughts of interning as a Visual Display Artist with Anthropologie. The Anthropologie line with the corporation is known for the presentation of their wares, immersing the consumer in a fantasy tailored to eclectic styling of kitsch meeting vintage meeting modern. Lastly, with Martha Stewart I find a personal dream internship. I have always been fond of Martha, spending much time delving into her extensive library of crafts, faking sick from high school just to watch her television program, etc. With the fondness comes the desire to work for her, be part of her crafting team, and maybe, hopefully, fingers crossed, I will one day be invited to present some fantastic craft making ability on her show.
Other possibilities include working as an artist’s assistant (preferably in Baltimore or Philadelphia), or maybe finding a small time publisher who deals with independent productions of zines and art books, and learning the ropes behind bookmaking on a large scale.
Of course, the summer cannot just be about internship. It must also be lucrative. I am resigned to the fact that I will not be a paid intern, and so, a part time job will be needed. But, I have been working since the age of fourteen, and so have saved and saved and saved, so much so that if I must sacrifice hours and a paycheck or two to internship duties, I will still be sound in money terms.
Lastly, a personal goal will be to be part of a craft mart, or some type of crafty event in which I can display my wares and pass our business cards and shake hands.

08 August 2010
five year plan.
The list includes some legitimate stuff, you know, like submitting an updated resume and cover letter in order to prove you're professional and on the up and up. But, you also gotta complete some craziness, like three informational interviews with people that are in your desired career path, and, this one gets me, a five year plan. Not one, not two, but five. A FIVE YEAR PLAN! A FIVE YEAR PLAN? What is this craziness? I don't know what I'm going to do when I wake up, let alone what will go down in the next five years. Leave it to MICA to make me figure it all out.
So, without further ado, here is the first year. Tell me what you think though, is this craziness, or am I just crazy?:
As a rising sophomore I have left foundation year with the fresh realization that the time is now. While I can I need to make sure that I am doing everything. All the opportunities posted and thrown and whispered to me I need to make sure to grasp, grab, and kick in the face as to fully assert myself as a working artist. It sounds much easier to do such when casually typed onto eight-and-a-half by eleven paper, but that does not mean that what is said is truth.
I just have to do it. And by it, I mean everything.
With the return to Baltimore, to MICA, to art after a lazy summer I plan to hit the ground running, running for my life as the noise of the starting pistol cracks through my eardrums; I start these next five years with the goal to win.
Of course, of course, easier said than done. But, here’s the plan:
Already I am enrolled to take eighteen credits, a balance of nine studio credits and nine academic credits. I know the year will be rigorous, and I know I will break down more than once, but I also know that I can set my mind to accomplish eighteen credits, and to accomplish those credits well. This first semester is as big as a circus spectacle as it starts it all; I am stepping up from foundation year into the beginnings of Illustration with Creative Writing and Book Arts, a track so highly concentrated and therefore such a departure from the breadth of study focused upon during the foundation year.
As well as eighteen credits, I plan on continuing to build my resume any way possible. That paper, I have come to realize, needs to exude all and everything about my working artist life. Currently, the thing does not read as much, and so that must change. My goal is to obtain something of an internship during the school year. When I say ‘something of an internship’ I mean that I really just want to volunteer my time and abilities to some arts force outside of MICA. This force can be anything; gallery or artsy boutique or crafting group or whatever one can really imagine that involves art and able bodies and strong minds. My primary desire to do such work is so that I can begin to network with the likes of the art community within Baltimore. I feel like I, personally, am a student lacking much knowledge in the working aspects of the art world, and so desire to obtain the knowledge of being there, in it all, and working.
If I am unable to find something close to the aforementioned, I plan on continuing to work with Community Arts Partnership.
Outside of definable work things, I plan to have an outstanding year in the way of being a MICA student. I want to sink my teeth into the student community and get involved. I love MICA. I. Love. MICA. I really do not know how to justify this fact other than, if there was a MICA mascot, I would wear the costume everyday. And if not the costume, I would at least sport the school’s colors at all times.
Being part of the community, getting involved, that means participating. More lectures! And more gallery visits! And more meeting and greeting! And, maybe even starting a club of my own.
Lastly, I of course have personal goals. Well, really, just one. And that is to begin an Etsy of my own. I want to craft some D.I.Y. goodness and unleash it upon the world. If, for anything, to be more like Martha Stewart.
23 June 2010
oh, moms.
Car Air-conditioning -
No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before. We wonder
where this stuff comes from but here is an example that explains a lot
of the cancer causing incidents. Hmmm. Many people are in their cars
first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, 7 days a week.
As I read this, it makes me feel guilty and ill. Please pass this on to
as many people as possible. Guess its not too late to make some changes
Car A/C (Air Conditioning) MUST READ!!!
Please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car.
Open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the AC after a
couple of minutes.
Here's why: According to research, the car dashboard, sofa, air
freshener emit Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take time
to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car).
In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia
and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia,
increasing the risk of cancer. Can also cause miscarriage.
Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50mg per sq.ft. A car parked indoors
with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.
If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F,
the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable
People who get into the car, keeping windows closed will inevitably
inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.
Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver.. What's worse, it
is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.
So friends, please open the windows and door of your car - give time for
interior to air out -dispel the deadly stuff - before you enter.
Thought: 'When someone shares something of value with you and you
benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
19 June 2010

I was fortunate enough to obtain an internship with the Mantis Collective a space not new to Harrisburg, but new to Third Street as of this past February. Mantis exhibits fine art of the contemporary genre, featuring lots of artsy abstracts and thought provoking pieces that always have great titles. Really. A more eloquent description of the Gallery's nature is found by way of the link, but, this is my blog, so I can give you my version of the low down, which really is, the Mantis is a beautiful space. In a, uh, colorful neighborhood, and features art by some current juggernauts in the contemporary art world.

Although, personally, I wouldn't really place Guth's work into the painting spectrum. Yes, he did use brushes, and paint, but the handling of the materials, which also spanned into beeswax, graphite, charcoal, ephemera, and collage aspects of layered text pages, provokes a whimsy solidly grounded in haphazard mark making that evokes a certain un-edited-ness that comes with abstract work.
The crowd really was into it, obviously. So, I spent the night amidst louder voices over top loud electronica, retrieving specially etched wine glasses for Mantis members, and constantly screwing through some wine cork while knocking down people's hopes of owning their own Guth piece by placing little red stickers next to sold pieces. At one point a couple asked to purchase piece number twenty-seven. I said surely and took them to the back to wait in line for the checkout. Ridiculous enough, the woman right before them had purchased the piece. I was mortified as I had to turn to the couple (who own their own gallery in Harrisburg) and apologize profusely for the mishap. The look of incredulity was one I could hardly define, was it mock shock or was she really disappointed? And let me tell you, some people were becoming expressively upset when they learned the piece they wanted was bought by another, or worse, that all three of the pieces they were considering were snatched by the same buyer.
All in all, a glorious experience. I cannot wait for next month's opening (one that I will be assisting in curating. oh, you know).An now, I am again at the gallery; a five hour shift consumed with three viewers (as of 5:47), this rambling blog post, and my new found love (as of 3:15 this afternoon), GLASS ETCHING!

17 June 2010
i want it bad.

But, the greatest thing about this outfit was:

The final resulted in a photo shoot of simple proportions:

But, the greatest thing about this whole ordeal I put Allison through: WE GOT A CALLBACK! On this coming Tuesday I have to put Alli through this ordeal once more to compete against four other little monsters for four tickets and hotel accommodations for a Lady Gaga concert in Atlantic City. And, let me tell you, we are going to win those tickets!
More to this story, though; I submitted as well. We had twenty four minutes to make a costume, put me in it, and photo shoot before the submission deadline was over. We came up with:
All the while, my dad is holding the dog back, and laughing.
11 June 2010
07 June 2010
what i like.

During the show Katy Perry performed her latest single 'California Gurls'. Great, I know. Not really. The song truly is some of the dumbest noise I've heard in a long while. Well, actually, not so much. It's pretty much equal to all the noise on the radio, and on MTV, and VH1, and FratMusic.com. But, what is outstandingly dissimilar about 'California Gurls' is Katy Perry. She knows how to perform. She got up on stage with blue hair, a spray on tan, and boobs pushed up to her throat while her backup dancers were choreographed as stunner barbies on speed. Now, this could all be just a coincidence, or, it could be that Katy knows how to make fun of herself while making fun of everyone else.
I mean, really, she gots some blue hair, a Bettie Paige doo, and some big ol' boobies. Yep, she knows.
Also, they aired an exclusive preview of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. I cannot stop my excitement. It just comes from this deep part inside of me that hid away after seeing Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the place that had so many hopeful expectations and dreams of a truly glorious movie that matched how embracing the trailer was. It has to be music. I hear it, that 'Do da da dooo, da dooo, doooo...', and get this fuzzy-all over feeling that smells like fresh carved pumpkins, tastes like toast and fogs my vision with train's smoke-stack steam.
I am excited. I cannot help it. Nor can I contain it.
Now, what will I dress as for the midnight showing?
01 June 2010
30 May 2010
sunday ain't so sunny.
Stupid, stupid job. How I have come to loathe you.
27 May 2010
25 May 2010
love, love love.
24 May 2010
to do.

Okay. Okay. Okay!
I promise to be productive tomorrow.
But, seriously, forty hours a week now shooting to fifty is really beginning to melt my brain more than being home already has. But, also, tonight I did get some heady motivation in the form of my mom crying (and no, not about me; it's just, knowing your mom is upset really is a good kick in the pants to being a better person, if not for yourself, for her).
1. Plant flowers CHECK!
2. Write cover letter
3. Finish internship papers CHECK!
4. Call Illustration department about said internship papers CHECK!
5. Email Andrew CHECK!
6. Get in touch with Great Uncle Joe about moving CHECK!
7. Empty another box
8. Grocery shop CHECK! (okay, okay. I personally did not do this, but I made the list and cut the coupons, which is close enough)
This Week (in no particular order):
. Finish cleaning out room
. Clean car
. Start Claire's commission
. Bake something! CHECK!
. Craft three things! CHECK!
. Figure out how to sell things on eBay
. Read some more of Rant CHECK!
. Take down the god-forsaken Christmas tree
. Dispose of the other god-forsaken Christmas tree
. Decorate Mom's tree (with crafts!)
. Write something!
I'm sticking to it. I made a list and I'm crossing everything off of it.
22 May 2010
For serious.
20 May 2010

What happens when you feel you don't have anything in common with anyone anymore?
The regular bonfire was tonight. It included the usual people, the mac n' cheese, the s'mores, and, of course, the sneaking off behind cars to smoke a clove (yes, that's right! my life is complete because I had one tonight. I can still feel it's whimsy floating around my lungs). And, of course, the night included me feeling like, just in high school, that I could really care less about what everyone else was talking about, or really what they were about, in general.
I do not intend to sound like an art school ass hole. I barely talked about art school tonight. Rather, I listened. Listened to what I am essentially 'missing' by choosing art school, and realizing, as I have in the past, that I really do not care for that which I am 'missing'.
This is to say that, 'HOLY MOLEY I AM SO ELATED THAT I KNOW ME AND WHAT I WANT AND WHAT I AM ABOUT (mostly)!' Those things that I am not about include frat parties and long weeks spent leaving class only to get drunk and thinking it really fantastic to partay hardy.
That does not mean I do not enjoy my partay. I just enjoy a different type of partay, one that doesn't include guzzling beer before receiving a poor blow job.
There, I said it. I don't want your sloppy blow job. With that, I don't think it's cool that you got the bronze in Beer Olympics, or that you spent your last Thursday of school drinking from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 3 o'clock the next morning. Give me some baked goods and a silly movie any night of the week.
So, tonight was the first night that I was one of the first to leave, and to really not mind it. Because I know now that I am not missing out. I never missed out on anything. And I am happy.
18 May 2010
seattle rain.

Martha really knows how to do it. Peanut Butter Whoopie Pies go a long way in rehabilitating the need for summer by substituting it with a heavy portion of baked chocolate goodness and peanut butter gold, paired with rain, some Zeke's Hippie Blend smuggled over the Maryland/Pennsylvania border, and Chuck Palahniuk's recent Rant. And, making them was so. much. fun. The dry ingredients were just a big bowl of flour and cocoa powder that, when intermittently dumped into the wet ingredients, sprung to life in a huge cloud of cocoa-y goodness.

It's weird to think that yesterday she turned twenty, and five years ago, when we met, she was fifteen. And I was fourteen. Really, what is this? Aging? Growing up! No. Nope. It can't be. Those things don't happen to people like us. We remain teenagers forever, with our only worry being what to do over the weekends, and what new costumed theme the party can be, and, really, you know, liking where we are.
But, that isn't the case because Liz turned twenty! We celebrated with an afternoon lunch themed Scarves and Surprise!. Really, the scarves came in as in impromptu because, after everyone arrived, we realized that it was the first party ever hosted, ever!, that did not have a theme. Well, that couldn't happen. Could not happen! Alas, scarves!
So, there were scarves, a surprise, and lunch with food provided by a fifteen hour shift at the Cocoa Perk (let's not go there). I was so impressed with my friends and how well we were able to work it all out in only a day and a half. Secretly, I was glad none of them are employed this summer, because that's the only way we were able to pull off such a stellar surprise. Not so secretly, Liz really was surprised, utterly and totally bewildered, and that's all I could have hoped for. I knew that this birfday was going to be a bit un-ordinary, and so weird, because really, what do you do with twenty? Especially when it's summer and your two best friends are out in their respective cities, being real people and doing real people things, while you're at home, feeling not so real, or maybe just less productive.
Surprise equals success, success, success.
Just as today does, and only because of Martha and her whoopie makin' ability.

P.S. which means, on with crafting! all i want to do is craft up a storm! fabric, paper, glitter and glue everywhere!
16 May 2010
11 May 2010
04 April 2010
18 March 2010
cerri mcquillan.

14 March 2010
24 February 2010
10 February 2010
it's here..

08 February 2010

04 February 2010

and now.
03 February 2010
still here.

Oh, hello there February. It's nice to meet you and your snow filled skies.
16 January 2010

I have this thing about packing. I seriously dislike it. No, I hate it. I do. I get all cooped up in feelings and memories and a strange sadness just saps me to my core. I can't express why I feel this way about the whole ordeal, it just is.
14 January 2010
birthdays, bird masks, and bad romance.
12 January 2010

So, here's the deal. I'm going to take a big step and try to do two, because I think two would be the most beneficial, as well as help to maybe tap me into 'responsibility' mode, or some nonsense like that.