What happens when you feel you don't have anything in common with anyone anymore?
The regular bonfire was tonight. It included the usual people, the mac n' cheese, the s'mores, and, of course, the sneaking off behind cars to smoke a clove (yes, that's right! my life is complete because I had one tonight. I can still feel it's whimsy floating around my lungs). And, of course, the night included me feeling like, just in high school, that I could really care less about what everyone else was talking about, or really what they were about, in general.
I do not intend to sound like an art school ass hole. I barely talked about art school tonight. Rather, I listened. Listened to what I am essentially 'missing' by choosing art school, and realizing, as I have in the past, that I really do not care for that which I am 'missing'.
This is to say that, 'HOLY MOLEY I AM SO ELATED THAT I KNOW ME AND WHAT I WANT AND WHAT I AM ABOUT (mostly)!' Those things that I am not about include frat parties and long weeks spent leaving class only to get drunk and thinking it really fantastic to partay hardy.
That does not mean I do not enjoy my partay. I just enjoy a different type of partay, one that doesn't include guzzling beer before receiving a poor blow job.
There, I said it. I don't want your sloppy blow job. With that, I don't think it's cool that you got the bronze in Beer Olympics, or that you spent your last Thursday of school drinking from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 3 o'clock the next morning. Give me some baked goods and a silly movie any night of the week.
So, tonight was the first night that I was one of the first to leave, and to really not mind it. Because I know now that I am not missing out. I never missed out on anything. And I am happy.
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