... and with it, no classes! I've only had to trek the streets of Baltimore once this week, adventuring through the piles and mounds and mountains of snow still unplowed from the previous storm Baltimore was hit with over the weekend. It's strange to me, coming from the rural northeast (and only an hour and a half away), to not see streets in so long! Even the main roads were barely plowed, a heavy amount of slush formed in the breadth between tire tracks. And now, there's even more snow!

It hasn't stopped falling since two o'clock yesterday. It's matched with a terrible amount of wind, so most of the day has been a cloud of blustery white. I've witnessed nothing out my window except for the white; no dogs being walked or people hurrying back from the store. The only sight of life is the frightened birds, flying off course and only nearly missing my wind, and, that's to say, if they continue to live through the night.
This is abnormal. Baltimore never received more snow than it has this year, and to match, even Florida got down to the twenty degree level. I feel like there should be more concern with the weather patterns that have been so drastically different this year, but instead the news is chalk full of headlines reading, 'Weather Strikes East Slowing Travel and Commerce'. Well, duh. That's going to happen. But what about where it's coming from, and why it's happening now, rather then happening so many years before?
It's eerie.
That also isn't to say how much class I'm missing. I feel like Hermione in revealing that I'm disgruntled with Baltimore's inability to properly plow snow because I want to go to school. I mean, I paying enough for it, and it isn't like grade school, where we'll be forced to stay an extra week and 'make it up'. No, I've just lost roughly $1000 in classes.

At least I have plenty of time to get homework done, which I'm finding, is much more time consuming than I thought. And, there is a lot more of it than I had initially recalled. Just today, I've needle felted from 11:30 until 4:30, and I'm not nearly finished with the project. It starts with this raw wool:

We are to needle felt a ball, felt a flat piece, and also make a three dimensional object. The object, we were told, could not be cute; no little barn yard of forest animals allowed, because, we are artists, not little old ladies at a craft fair (or so we were told). With that in mind, I'm needle felting Bambi. I know, cute, right? Well, It's only his head, because he's been taxidermied. I know, not so cute, right? This is how far I am:

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