The possibilities are currently endless for the summer of 2011. This is mainly because I have little idea of what the school year will bring, and therefore how I will further be shaped into a working artist. Subsequently, my goals are rather vague, but goals nonetheless.I have the ability to live in Baltimore, because of my current apartment, but also have contacts in Philadelphia and Los Angeles that can help with housing arrangements. Because of these contacts, my scope for finding an internship is rather wide. Mainly I am concerned with finding an internship more prominent than gallery work. My thoughts are on big names and big companies, or, relatively big, or at least relatively well off. Currently my list of possibilities includes: Squidfire (although I have a feeling I would need to first obtain some printmaking experience), Urban Outfitters Inc. (operates Anthropologie, Free People, and Urban Outfitters, all of which offer Visual Display Internships), and Martha Stewart Living (would be a dream, because, well, Martha is the man). These possibilities are narrowed into the vein of retail with an emphasis on visuals. Each would offer an unique perspective to the idea of sales and merchandising, as each explores a completely different theme within the scope of their company. With Squidfire I am interested in exploring the ‘Do It Yourself’ attitude of occupation, where one can utilize their prominent skills and capitalize on the fact that they are more than able to make a living. With Urban Outfitters Inc. I have thoughts of interning as a Visual Display Artist with Anthropologie. The Anthropologie line with the corporation is known for the presentation of their wares, immersing the consumer in a fantasy tailored to eclectic styling of kitsch meeting vintage meeting modern. Lastly, with Martha Stewart I find a personal dream internship. I have always been fond of Martha, spending much time delving into her extensive library of crafts, faking sick from high school just to watch her television program, etc. With the fondness comes the desire to work for her, be part of her crafting team, and maybe, hopefully, fingers crossed, I will one day be invited to present some fantastic craft making ability on her show.
Other possibilities include working as an artist’s assistant (preferably in Baltimore or Philadelphia), or maybe finding a small time publisher who deals with independent productions of zines and art books, and learning the ropes behind bookmaking on a large scale.
Of course, the summer cannot just be about internship. It must also be lucrative. I am resigned to the fact that I will not be a paid intern, and so, a part time job will be needed. But, I have been working since the age of fourteen, and so have saved and saved and saved, so much so that if I must sacrifice hours and a paycheck or two to internship duties, I will still be sound in money terms.
Lastly, a personal goal will be to be part of a craft mart, or some type of crafty event in which I can display my wares and pass our business cards and shake hands.

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