Oh, hello there February. It's nice to meet you and your snow filled skies.
It's hard to believe that I'm already back in the swing of things, and I'm only nearing week three in Charm City. I love it. I cannot imagine, as I've said time and again, myself in any other setting. Really. I am so happy.
This spring semester (although ill defined by the glorious amount of winter weather we are having) has been bundled tightly in the warmness of love. Picture being blanketed in the perfect amount of hand knit mittens, home-spun yarney goods, scarves, hats, and long johns, made with love and tagged by little hearts, and you have my semester. On a non-metaphorical note, it consists of Drawing II with the wonderful William Downs (personal favorite optimist and zen master), Elements of Visual Thinking II with Judy Stone (shiny and new from the previous Michael Weiss), Critical Inquiry with ridiculous Rich Barber (also known as brilliant), Introduction to Fibers with the oh-so-cool Chrissy Day (from Illadelphia, a total hard ass, and best person, ever), and Sculptural Forms with Katherine Kavanaugh (I love her class because she smells like my grandmother).
Basically, the above is the best line up ever. I find that I can complete my work, on time and on task, which is a new experience for me, in the consideration that I fail, miserably, at time managing. I'm getting better though! I'm really trying, because I cannot afford not to get said skill down. There's just too much to do and not enough time. Already I have three applications to get through, not to mention trying to figure out what I plan to do this summer before the month ends (including the dilemma of Turkey vs. Internship vs. Summer Classes). Also, you know, I have very time consuming homework (who knew everything in fibers took longer than four hours, at least?) And, also, I'm trying to get involved on campus, which is failing miserably at the moment.
But, all in all, things are looking up. This past week hasn't been oh-so-productive, but, I'm realizing the mistakes and fixing them (they include watching the entire season of Glee, copious amounts of Saturday snoozing slash, movie watching, and over eating). Though it was terrible, this past week is not over shadowed by the two weeks before it. They included: DAILIES! (yes, I stuck to the New Year's Dailies! I just need to post them (unfortunately, they are not joined with stories..they didn't go so well)), 9 PULL-UPS!, SANDWICH MAKING!, FIBERS!, SLEDDING, SNOWMAN MAKING, and SNOWBALL FIGHTS!, INTERNSHIP MEETINGS!
The list does go on, but it's now 9:32, and I have more Fibers to do, in the way of WEAVING ON THE LOOM I MADE! Yes, that's right, the loom I made. No big.
P.S. I'm realizing this is a rather shakey overview of so much infinite glory that I have failed to share. But, I do promise to reveal dailies!, and fibers wonders, and other, exciting, lifestyle choices (like cherry chip ice cream with root beer).
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