18 May 2010

seattle rain.

Today makes me feel like Seattle. A day of constant rain and a high of fifty-five, worked in the confines of a coffee house-turned-cafe-turned-restaurant for 'economic reasons' will do that to you. Especially when it is May. And three weeks ago you were waking up to sixty degree weather that was climbing to an eighty degree day filled with summer lovin' and whoopie makin'. Which leads me to these bad boys!:
Martha really knows how to do it. Peanut Butter Whoopie Pies go a long way in rehabilitating the need for summer by substituting it with a heavy portion of baked chocolate goodness and peanut butter gold, paired with rain, some Zeke's Hippie Blend smuggled over the Maryland/Pennsylvania border, and Chuck Palahniuk's recent Rant. And, making them was so. much. fun. The dry ingredients were just a big bowl of flour and cocoa powder that, when intermittently dumped into the wet ingredients, sprung to life in a huge cloud of cocoa-y goodness.The recipe was provided by the lovely Lizzie at her blog 'Every Last Cookie'. Her's is so legit. Not kidding. She pairs three magical things to make the perfect blog: 1. baking 2.witty banter 3. good photography (and I cannot stress enough the importance of good photography for a foodie blog). I'm an avid follower, which comes in handy because now I don't need to buy Martha's cookies when I have Lizzie's blog.This night time cooking was a crucial step into finally getting into this summer. I've been home for a week and a few days now and really have accomplished absolutely nothing besides makin' dem monies (which, by the way, is slowly killing me as I am slowly realizing that I actually, after two years of employment, dislike my job (but, that's neither here nor there)) and throwing a surprise party for my friend Liz Til.

It's weird to think that yesterday she turned twenty, and five years ago, when we met, she was fifteen. And I was fourteen. Really, what is this? Aging? Growing up! No. Nope. It can't be. Those things don't happen to people like us. We remain teenagers forever, with our only worry being what to do over the weekends, and what new costumed theme the party can be, and, really, you know, liking where we are.

But, that isn't the case because Liz turned twenty! We celebrated with an afternoon lunch themed Scarves and Surprise!. Really, the scarves came in as in impromptu because, after everyone arrived, we realized that it was the first party ever hosted, ever!, that did not have a theme. Well, that couldn't happen. Could not happen! Alas, scarves!

So, there were scarves, a surprise, and lunch with food provided by a fifteen hour shift at the Cocoa Perk (let's not go there). I was so impressed with my friends and how well we were able to work it all out in only a day and a half. Secretly, I was glad none of them are employed this summer, because that's the only way we were able to pull off such a stellar surprise. Not so secretly, Liz really was surprised, utterly and totally bewildered, and that's all I could have hoped for. I knew that this birfday was going to be a bit un-ordinary, and so weird, because really, what do you do with twenty? Especially when it's summer and your two best friends are out in their respective cities, being real people and doing real people things, while you're at home, feeling not so real, or maybe just less productive.

Surprise equals success, success, success.
Just as today does, and only because of Martha and her whoopie makin' ability.
Now, on with summer!
P.S. which means, on with crafting! all i want to do is craft up a storm! fabric, paper, glitter and glue everywhere!

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