11 May 2010


I just feel like a storm cloud.

It's like, everything that I thought was going well secretly was just conning me into a strange level of comfort that has now totally vanished. Lots of things. I only feeling like talking about one thing.

I got a D/D- on my final paper for my only academic class. Really? Really. I really did suck that bad. I only know this early because my teacher sent me an email asking if I had cheated and merely reused a paper from a different class, or from high school, because the paper was so ridiculously off topic from the assignment. I am just in disbelief about how far I let my academics fail. This whole semester I totally did not consider my one academic, Critical Inquiry, as a solid class, and so throughout the week I failed to really put any effort into writing the papers that were due. Then, I would get to class and realize, 'Hey, I'm paying for this learning thing! And I'm learning a lot in this class!' Why, then, you ask, did I decide to fail it so miserably?

Because I'm stupid. The work for it wasn't hard. I was lazy. Unproductive. Unmotivated. Didn't recognize it as worth while.

Now, I totally regret being so stupid, because, now my entire GPA will spiral into an abysmal range (something that has never actually happened to me, ever). Even better, my parents are actually going to freak out because, you know, me being me, they have come to expect Dean's List.

Oh, holy moley.

1 comment:

Dax said...

cheeeeer up, Charlie! It's your freshmen year. It's almost expected for you to struggle a little bit. You have three whole years/six more semesters to make up for it anyway.... you're fine. :]