06 November 2009

it's official.

I'm sick. I'm actually sick, not the, ihavetoomuchofarunnynosetogotoclass sick, or the, ikindasortadon'tfeelwell sick. No, I'm sick. Last night I was fine in all parts of the definition, but then this morning I woke up and couldn't move! I had to call into work (the the second time this week) and then spent all of the day tossing around in my bed in the hopes that sleep will solve everything (like it normally does). Instead, I woke again to find myself in the same state. My throat is terribly sore. My head hurts so much it's tender to the touch, and my nose is so stuffed that it feels ready to explode. And I have the normal body aches.

Why would I be blogging about this? Well, this is the first time I'm sick and away from home. I don't have my parents to tell me to drink lots of fluids, keep up on the Advil intake, and get lots of rest just to wake up in tie for soup. No, I'm at college. I'm on my own. I have to take care of myself.

It's thrilling!

Really, this, to me, seems so wonderful. I mean, yes, I do want my mommy, but at the same time I want to be independent and do it all on my own. Yes! I can get up and make some tea! Yes! I did take my last Advil! Yes! I can run to the store for some soup and Ginger Ale!

My body is sick, but my mind, this time, is not. It's a strange limbo. I'm a firm believer that being sick is also fifty percent mental, if not more, so, hopefully, I can clear this thing up by Saturday afternoon.

Oh MICA, look at me go!

1 comment:

jumpseat monalisa said...

college is wonderful! and remember: it's all in your head baby barry. suck it up and go party.