01 July 2009

growing up

It is all so strange, so so strange.  This summer I made to accomplish much, accomplish everything actually; spend my days working for the money, than the evenings working for myself, you know, as I said before, becoming the person I want to be to go into college as.


And so, June went on and on in one big blur of work hours, sunlit car drives, packs of cigarettes and tanks of gas emptying and refilling to the tune of M.I.A, Noah and the Whale, Girl Talk, Regina Spektor, Harry Potter conversation, all leading to nights of chatting, drinking, dancing, bonfiring; all and everything that summer is meant for.  You know, truly living.

But, I was so ready to accomplish alot, ready to make a list and check, check, check my way into completion.  The thing is, the list has been rambling through my head, and instead of writing it down, getting it all into one concrete mass, I just went on through thing to thing to thing, postponing it all, putting my life on hold for this other life I have.  

I think it must be, after thinking about it for quite a bit (an entire month, actually) that I don't want to be obligated.  I fear that with the concrete construction of this list, of my summer, will come the inevitable feelings of obligation, which will lead to me not wanting to check any of them off, which will lead to zero accomplishments.

And now I am a month behind.

And now I do have a real, very concrete obligation.

Last Sunday a regular from the coffeehouse (my employment (grande irish cappuccino, no whip)) out of the blue commissioned me to recreate all of his office employees into superheros that could then be utilized for their monthly news letter.

Now, you do not know, but I'll be attending major, super, awesome art school in the fall (Maryland Institute College of Art) as an Illustration major with minor in Creative Writing an concentration in Book Arts.  I am thrilled, honored, wowed that I have this first commission to work through, and, all in this jumble of emotion, so totally frightened.  

This isn't high school.  I cannot slack off, wait until the last minute, and hand in whatever.  This is real, true artwork.  And it is all on me.  


Growing up.

I really need to finish cleaning my room, creating a studio space, and getting my style down for these super heros.

Oh, Holy Shit.


jumpseat monalisa said...

i always make a list of summer goals and never get the chance to check them off. i actually found a couple lists from previous summers and it's funny to see how similar they are.

yay for superhero commission! that's awesome! post pictures of the final product!

Lucien Midnight said...

Now remember, this is coming from the queen of things-left-undone/unattended/and all together neglected:

enjoy your summer. get the commisioned job done like you should, it's not work, it's fun!another experience! except your getting paid for this one! part of being young is (at times [such as summers]) being able to get away with not doing the things you set out to do. while you may feel dissappointed on occasion, it will not effect your life in the same way it will, say twenty years from now when your slacking will directly impact your life. make memories; make plans. enjoy yourself... WHATEVER you do is just another thing you've done/completed. you can't fail with that mentality. any effort is a gain. there are no losses.
love you.
i also love dennis, he always complimented me on my smile, to which i always replied, 'thanks, i had braces.'