Recently my life has been so very much consumed by art, whether in thought or feeling or making of, and I cannot help but to bask in every bit of it. Between the glorious task of Insurance Agents turn Superheroes commission to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to attempting to learn how to knit (epic failure) to face painting and table-top painting and button bracelet making to decorations for the fast approaching Harry Potter and the Dance til Dawn celebration; my life is, entirely, gloriously brimming with all types of art-tasty wonder.
Such a delicious, nutritious meal for my everyday.

'Common creatures, in other cities, dress to live; but in Paris people live to dress.'
-Charles Dickens
department store [di-pahrt-muh
nt stohr] - noun: cathedral of modern commerce
A lightly lit room filled with a stage of simple mannequins impeccably dressed. The clothing, as pictured, was ornate, each piece a luster in that of hand spun creations that basked within the wardrobes of the wealthy. How profound, to think that each piece is mere fabric, draped, stitched, ornamented for singular purpose of making someone beautiful, rather than being beautiful itself. It's nice to see that the clothing finally receives the recognition it deserves, that of pieces of impeccable art.

Visual Delight: Ornament and Pattern in Modern and Contemporary Design

The exhibit featured household works from recent past to present, all of which explored the maker utilizing the mergence of function with that of ornamentation. It's primary objective was to relate to the viewer the structural change in our societies' desire from disregarding that of ornamentation, of beauty without design to be replaced with all that is sleek, functional and for purpose, into a society that desires both in one.

The above is a radiator, whose design not only is beautiful, but functions as a tool better in its primary object to heat in that its spaced figure distributes warmth in a more dispersed manner, allowing for a room to grow comfortable in a fashion timely-er than that of the average radiator.

That up there is a crocheted box. It's yarn. Really.
And then there was a room full of chairs. I thought it was quite silly.

Henri Matisse and Modern Art on the French Riviera

I have this thing where I don't really photograph two dimensional art. It's weird. I guess I just wasn't in that certain mood needed to do so. Needless to say, the exhibit was nothing quite fantastic. Baltimore's Walters Museum houses its own Matisse exhibit that far exceeds that which the PMoA is currently showing. Needless to say, I like France, and the French Riviera, and the astute family that waltzed through the exhibit with there thick French accents and smiling faces, dissecting each and every piece as if it were as familiar as a family photograph.
I love color, and the small gallery located on the second floor house a unique display of cultural pieces I had not thought to expect, all of which were detailed in an extraordinary excellence or lack of color . The gallery was an open room with a perimeter of glass 'closets', each housing a mannequin and its piece. All in all, the total twenty or so pieces each displayed a certain style and sense of Japanese fashion I had never come to realize, such as: the Futen-Zuko (vagabond tribe) 0f 1967, who were closely definable to the American hippie; wabi-sabi - to find beauty in imperfection, impermanence and incompleteness.

1 comment:
you're going to be the whomping willow!! that might be the best thing i've heard all day! your dance til dawn celebration sounds fantastic. please pay my respects to dumbledore for me, will you?
the philadelphia museum of art looks incredible. i have got to get myself there someday. i just switched my major to art history so my life is soon to be art-tasty as well. :)
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