So, I hate to say that this is a post related to Julie & Julia, but it is. It really is.
I just finished the movie, its entire two hours and some odd minutes, and can not be more joyed by a film. Mainly because of Meryl Streep. But, also, because of the story; why would I not be so completely inspired by the thought of one year, one project, and total accomplishment?
And, of course, food. I love food. It's art, really, making something wonderful from a bunch of other little wonderful somethings for the sole purpose of pleasure. I, also, love cooking, or, baking actually. I find sweet treats to be the most satisfactory, and in this holiday season, I have found that my diet has been very much replaced by the three bite nibblets that are two sugars, flours, eggs, vanilla, butter, salt, baking soda, more butter, and whatever other delicious ingredient to create a a most healthy, or, satisfying, before meal snack, meal, and dessert.
But, also, watching the movie, inevitably, as I'm sure it had done to everyone else, makes me want to start something, and continue it, for one year, on the internet, and be forced into this obsessive need to be better because others are watching, and judging, my progress.
The thing is, it is now 2010. The film focuses on Julie Powell's escapade into blogging when it was a shiny, brand-new concept in 2002. Now, eight years later, who really is reading my blog out of the millions and millions already formulated, followed, or just now being created on the our lovely inter-spaces?
Still, this is something for me, something I need to do for myself, even if no one is watching. Because, this is it. As I've said, time and again, 2010 is the year. I will accomplish, be better, at being me. So, I will begin a year long project, and, unlike the others I have begun and failed at, I will finish it.
So, now, the main question is, what will I do?
But, also, watching the movie, inevitably, as I'm sure it had done to everyone else, makes me want to start something, and continue it, for one year, on the internet, and be forced into this obsessive need to be better because others are watching, and judging, my progress.
The thing is, it is now 2010. The film focuses on Julie Powell's escapade into blogging when it was a shiny, brand-new concept in 2002. Now, eight years later, who really is reading my blog out of the millions and millions already formulated, followed, or just now being created on the our lovely inter-spaces?
Still, this is something for me, something I need to do for myself, even if no one is watching. Because, this is it. As I've said, time and again, 2010 is the year. I will accomplish, be better, at being me. So, I will begin a year long project, and, unlike the others I have begun and failed at, I will finish it.
So, now, the main question is, what will I do?
I have ideas for a year long project. I have to take in account what I am already doing, and what I am not currently bringing myself to do. Also, in this taking account of what I am already doing, I have to recognize my lifestyle as a college student, and therefore, the commitment I must make, or may not have to make.
What I really am saying is that I have ideas, but I realize that to make this work I have to pick something that will only require time if I want it to, but could also be something I could complete in fifteen minutes, and still feel like I accomplished what needed to be accomplished for the project.
So, here goes, my ideas. Readers, if you are out there, would you, could you please comment? Sway me in a direction? Tell me what you may interested in following, what you would like to see me succeed or fail at:
1. whitening teeth (albeit lame, but also a worthy advisory, seeing as I hate flossing. this also would possibly not be cost affective.)
2. p90x (my brother bought the workout program for christmas. yes, a workout program, so i may no longer by another skinny, white, art kid. this, though, after much reading and delving into the product, is a serious time commitment, anywhere better one hour to an hour and forty five minutes each day!)
3. story time (i would sit and write a story everyday. the story could be a sentence, a paragraph, or a few pages, depending upon my mood, my creativity, my anything.)
4. the dailie (this came from an idea my friend accomplished. she drew a small image every day to represent that day, like a journal, but with illustrations. i attempted this project once, but failed miserably. i should, and want to, try it again.)
5. illustrate (i've been reading alot lately, and definately want to continue doing so. what if i did an illustration for whatever i read that day, no matter if the reading is for school, or fun, or just in passing. it would be like preparation for a future in freelancing.)
6. ?
story time!
while i am (cough) exceptionally partial to (cough, cough) number five (COUGH--they're back, by the way, hooray!), i see you being most successful at story time. the flexibility to be long/short depending on your mood/schedule is forgiving, and you are so totally a word person that i don't anticipate creativity ever being a problem.
to this end, have you seen/read any of the six-word stories? the six-word stories/memoirs have risen in popularity, but i love this collection that was printed in wired magazine:
you can do it!! and p.s. i totally endorse you doing dailies if you want. we can keep each other in check!
stories stories stories
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