These past few days I have been unable to get enough in my quest for polaroid perfection. Along with the One Step, I finally purchased a 600. It was only $1.oo!
The quest for polaroid perfection also included a romp into thrifty, antiquey, markety goodness, which included: vintage fabric, a checkered shirt, a broken clock, fresh pears, peaches, tomatoes, and green onions, the ugliest lamp, ever (it looks to be swindled from a gypsy camp), three old children's books (of the junior deluxe edition variety), a very colorful plaid coat (which will hopefully be utilized as fabric for a bag), four of the most wonderful, unbreakable glasses, a khaki pair of high tops, and four shot glasses with handles.
Also, in this extended time of shopping, was the purchase of three dvds and two cds, both Kings of Leon. One is Aha Shake Heartbreak, and the other, the earlier Youth and Young Manhood. Both were $7.99 at Kmart, of all places, and have provided my driving time with some much needed bass thumping. Also, I had never heard a song from Youth and Young Manhood, and have failed to be surprised at how good it is. I mean, how could it be bad, it's the Kings.
All in all, I think I spent less that $50.oo on the above purchases.
Why do I riddle off all of this nonsense, you may ask. Well, I only mention it because, first, it seems that I've accomplished much purchasing, but none of it is mandatory for college. That's 'muh bad', but, I have come to the conclusion that for the past many a year in my life I have not really went on a purchasing spree, and have feigned from spending money on more than gas and food. Now, I have realized that I do have money and maybe, just maybe, I don't need to put every sent of my paycheck into savings.
Secondly, tomorrow my mother wants to go shopping at the Tanger Outlets in Lancaster. I believe this to be a terrible idea, which is very difficult to express to my mother without her busting out in a rant on, 'just wanting to buy me nice clothes for school', which will end in goop like anger squelching from her facial orifices and making me feel like a smothered rag doll facing the fiery infernos of the bottom of the toy bin. Why is this a terrible idea, for my mother to spend a ridiculous sum of money on nice clothes for her college bound son? First, because I will be attending art school, with classes called Painting 1 and Drawing 1, conducted for six hours a day. Nice clothes will become ruined clothes. Second, I find that I cannot push myself to spend more than $5 on an article of clothing at Salvation Army. What makes her think I can go out and watch her drop $25 on a sweater, or the sale price of $49.99 on a pair of jeans? Legitimately, that is just obscene.
That isn't to say that I don't like or appreciate nice, new clothing. I do. I really do. Tearing that tag from a fresh christmas sweater, or new summer swim suit is like readying your car for a long car ride. Times are swell in new clothing, memories created and passed and kept and washed and re applied.
But, I can get that same feeling from Salvation Army clothing. They, too, have a tag, frustratingly stapled onto the clothing. Even so, it's basically the same.
Mhmm. Money. How everything totally revolves around you. I hate you. I love having you. Go die.
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