It's as if there is nothing to do, even within the life that calls for so much to be accomplished. Flowers to be planted. A kitchen to be cleaned. Bed sheets to finally change. The day should have been packed with a merriment in being home, and in such, paired with a need to clean. Instead, I laid in bed for the entire morning, slipping in and out of sleep, awkward dreams, the comfort of my own bed, all the while feeling the day live on without me.
I just can't find the desire to do anything.
But there's so much to do:
1. Graduation thank yous should have been penned and sent before senior week, but I'm lazy.
2. Carole's gifts need to finally be finished. And then given to her.
3. A list for summer needs to be written. I need to chart these next three months, make sure I'm on track, so when August 27th rolls round I feel like the person I want to enter college as.
College. It's such a big word.
congratulations on graduating! that's so exciting.
Don't feel bad for not doing the thank you notes yet. I never got around to mine. I just called everyone. And that is the truly lazy way out of it. ;)
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