04 April 2010


Easter. EVER.

Really. Today was the greatest day that Jesus has ever risen from the dead. In brief, it included:

1. An early morning of fabric printing prep that included two talks to two different grandmas, because, you know, I got to keep the family close.
2. A quick up hill gaunt to the church that was complete with children, everywhere. One in particular, a toddler girl, probably one-ish, stood in front of me and during the Baptismal Renewal, continually piped an 'I DO,' long after everyone else was finished. I was filled with mirth.
3. I beat the ANNA K OH! Challenge! Which means that I completed all my printing on an eight foot piece of fabric, and it isn't due until Thursday!
4. The family arrived, in its entirety, with not only a full easter basket, but also a bag filled with Target brand's Acher Farms food! My body quivers with delight at the thought of crisp, sugary sweat vanilla granola, of the glorious tub of monster trail mix, of bunny grahams and Costa Rican coffee.
5. A tour of what now can be called my apartment. Yes, my apartment! The building is a beautiful red and grey brownstone on Linden Street, deliciously titled the Avalon! It's a third floor two bedroom with hard wood floors and big, lofty windows, a chill-as-cuss landlord, and roof access. And, it's right behind a grocery store. And, IT'S OFF CAMPUS! And, oh. dear. lord, I HAVE AN APARTMENT. AND A CLASSY ROOMMATE. AND GLORIOUS THOUGHTS FOR NEXT YEAR!
6. A family trip to the best Baltimore spot in the world, Hampden. Where we took a stroll, my mother trying to walk barefoot through the neighborhood on hot asphalt to find a most glorious restaurant called Rocket to Venus. I am still full from the Sloppy Jo-Fu I devoured, which, not only made me the happiest vegetarian in Charm City, but also included a bonding moment for the Barry family: they all tried it! Mom, Dad, Major and Super Baby all took a bite of the Sloppy Jo-Fu! One small step for carnivores, one GIANT step for the Barry's!
7. Another gaunt, but this time to the Golden West for dessert. There we ordered one of each from the menu, which included: chocolate cake with mocha espresso icing, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, a superb yellow cake with heath bar icing, and the most delicate banana cupcake with a sinful sugared frosting! So. Good.
8. Birfday presents! I'll be turning nineteen next Sunday, and so received some great gifts, including a drawing pad for the MacBook, more socks! and two sweaters, a grey one, and the other, oh the other! It's a creamy brown cardigan that also zippers. Really. It's legit. The ultimate in cardigans.
9. MICA's production of Midsummer's Night Dream that had the best set, ever. Seriously, you had to see it. The student crew built a giant forest out of, essentially, paper mache. And the costumes. Cobweb, by far, had the most thrilling. The fabric choice was such a crucial element, a light wisp of greyed-blue cloth that glided as she twirled through the faux sunlit stage. Oh. So. Good.

All in all, greatest Easter ever. Thank you Jesus. Really, it's all because of you and your dying for my sins. Mad props dog.